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Easy Project

Easy Project Essentials

The Easy Project Essentials variant includes all the basic project management tools as Work management, Agile management, Time tracking, Portfolio management, Project controlling & reporting, Project templates and Personal dashboards for 6 users.

Project Management

Easily Plan Your Projects with a Gantt Chart

Are you having problems with missed deadlines and spreadsheets in Excel? Consider using a Gantt chart, which visualizes your projects and facilitates planning, resulting in a smoother workflow and easier communication.


With the use of WBS, it is possible to eliminate unclear tasks and reduce delays. Projects must have clear boundaries and deliverables clearly stated. WBS makes it easy for individuals to plan their projects and develop the scope of their projects together.

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Mind Maps

It is possible to plan more efficiently, generate ideas, and create diagrams for various tasks using mind maps. They allow you to track what you’re thinking about a project without requiring you to complete tasks. In contrast to WBS, they serve as a starting point at the beginning and evaluation phases before establishing duties and collaborating. Most importantly, they allow us to analyze the whole project.

Planner for Quick Projects

The title, duration, and deadline for each task are easy to input for a complete project plan. The planner is accessible from the project page, and it helps you organize your brainstorming sessions and preliminarily define the project.

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Roadmap for the Project

View the milestones and tasks necessary to accomplish your project goals instantly. Your project plan is instantly accessible with Project Roadmap.

Compliance with GDPR at 100%

Easy Software dedicates itself to protecting your data. GDPR, a European regulation, poses several challenges to businesses and has become a widely talked-about topics in business. We aim to offer all members of the Project community top-quality software that facilitates the process of fulfilling their Data Processor obligations. Version 1.3 of Easy Project is a GDPR-compliant version.

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Documentation for Projects

You can attach documents as part of your task or project and access, edit, and search for them online. The Documents section indicates all attachments and tasks associated with a particular project.

Project Critical Path

There are critical paths in a project that must never suffer delays, or it will result in a delay in the entire project. It reveals how long it will take to complete the project. Whenever a task’s completion date is not subject to delays, it directly affects the project’s completion date.

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Analyze the performance of projects concerning them to their original plans. By creating baselines, you can capture various moments within the project plan, making measuring progress against the plan simpler.

Custom fields

You can customize Easy Project to cater to your organization’s needs. It is possible to create them for various entities, and their appearance depends on their indicators and traits.

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Templates for Projects

Creating project templates will save you time and enhance your project structure in the long run. The Easy Project tool also provides templates for standard business-process projects.

An All-in-One Dashboard

With Personal Dashboards, you can streamline daily processes and meet the requirements of many users, with a portfolio of ready-to-use dashboards for various users, for example, a manager.

Themes for Design

Users can choose from multiple design themes in Easy Project: Dark, Compact, and Default. A user’s profile contains a selection of themes the user can choose from as per their choice.

Managing Projects on the Go

Now you can keep track of your projects wherever you use the mobile application. New tasks are easy to create whenever you get an idea, leave a quick comment to stay on top of things, track your tasks, and manage your projects.

Work Management

Dashboard for Tasks

Every task created is accessible on the task dashboard, including information such as the name, status, contact details, and assignee. Keep track of completed, in progress, and overdue tasks – keeping your project schedule/plan on track is easier when you know what tasks are due.

Dashboard for People

You can view information about each user conveniently using the People Dashboard. In the dashboard, users can check the status of their tasks, membership in the project, tasks they have completed, the time they have spent, and personal expenses.

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Dashboards for Business

A business dashboard has various components: global filters, charts, graphs that allow user interaction, and analytics. By using global filters, it is possible to filter by the whole page or select individual items. On clicking a graph or column value, the page (dimension) for that graph or column will open. A dashboard provides a constant overview of values and trends in an instant.

Tracking of Tasks for Current Projects

Your permissions will determine what is available for tasks, how they appear, and how they flow via the workflow. Tracking tasks makes status updates unnecessary because Easy Project keeps track of everything.

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With workflows, team members can plan, organize, and automate tasks, minimizing chaos and facilitating task coordination. It is possible to set user-specific permissions for tasks and workflows with Easy Project.

Structure of the Organization

An organizational structure appears to be hierarchical, where each employee, except for the top employee, reports directly to another employee. It is through this arrangement that it is possible to assign, coordinate, and monitor several tasks simultaneously for standardizing organizational goals. Also, it allows users to request vacation time from their managers.

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Buttons for Action

This tool is ideal for assigning and sorting tasks quickly. Assigning tasks from the staff member is easier with it. A configuration preset determines which action buttons will perform task updates. A wide variety of action buttons are available and easily customizable.

Feed of Activities

You can stay up-to-date with the progress of your tasks by checking the activity feed. Your most recent tasks and comments show up in the sidebar, allowing you to stay up-to-date without checking your inbox.

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Organizing work, motivating employees, and improving productivity with checklists are easier. With them, you will be able to deliver routine tasks faster and more effectively, preventing you from forgetting anything.

Agile Management

Dashboard for the Sprint

The sprint dashboard makes it easy to monitor how a sprint is progressing. Having great plans is the key to starting a sprint. Your team can determine whether they are on track by looking at the dashboard. Whether you want to use Scrum or Kanban boards is up to you.

Scrum Board

The Easy project allows you to keep track of sprints and user stories. With drag-and-drop, you can update sprints during stand-up meetings and set up your scrum board. The Easy project allows you to do all of these things.

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Boards for Individuals & Teams - Kanban

Utilize Kanban Boards to keep track of tasks and their progress. Drag and drop these tasks into your dashboard to edit and reassign directly from the page.

Agile Project Backlogs

You can create a weekly backlog in no time at all with Easy Project. Drag & drop tasks into your Product Backlog, and create your Sprint Backlog.

Time Tracking

Dashboard for Time Reports

Keeping track of time is an essential component of project management. Are you curious about your team’s and time billing for the past month? Would you like to know how many hours each team member worked this past week? Which projects took up the most time? You can find out what is going on with your time report dashboard.

Planning and Tracking Time

Tracking and reporting time is essential for effective management. As a result, employees can effectively use and keep track of their time, and managers can use the information to plan future projects.

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Reporting Spent Time on Timesheets

You can generate reports on how much time you spend on various projects using timesheets. Managers are in charge of controlling and approving user-created time sheets.

Time Tracking with a Stopwatch

Using a stopwatch (also known as a task timer) allows you to track the time spent on your tasks accurately. The “Start working” button is available as soon as the process begins. If you want to pause the timer, you can do so at any time and then, if you want to resume the task, continue from where you stopped. Upon completion of your task, press the stop button, and it will instantly display the duration of your task. A manager or team leader can also see whether their team members’ stopwatches are active.

Portfolio Management

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Summary of Portfolios

You can generate portfolio statements and report fast and easily. An easy way to keep track of your portfolio budget and resources is to create a spreadsheet or a portfolio budget. After that, you can integrate pictures and graphs into a presentation-ready report.

Portfolio Tree

With Portfolio Tree, you can view your entire portfolio in one place. Besides seeing all your projects in one place, it also shows you how many hours you have spent and how many hours are left, as well as other important details.

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Global Gantt

Global Gantt facilitates effective project management and eagle-eye monitoring, essential portfolio management components. Using this tool, you can quickly compare current performance with planned performance and resources used for each project and expenditure.

Project Controlling & Reporting

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Charts & Graphs for Reporting

Create line graphs based on the available statistics. You can easily create charts based on any set of entries and, within seconds, produce a report on your project’s performance and provide recommendations for improvement.

Management of Earned Value

Define An established method for measuring the success of a project, Earned Value Management, analyze project performance, and outlines its objectives.

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Providing Early Warnings

You can choose what you want to receive notifications about, and an email notification will be sent to you once the time comes. For instance, a milestone deadline is coming up, the project budget is over budget, and a task is overdue.

Keeping Sprint Commitments on Track

Utilize Burndown Charts as a means of analyzing patterns of progress to meet sprint deadlines. Assess the amount of work that remains, determine the working pattern, and ensure you meet your sprint commitment on time.

Exports with a Brand Name

The system allows you to export data listings in PDF format customized to your company colors and logo. Examples of export would be tasks, lists of projects, timesheet entries, details of tasks, etc.

Project Dashboard

You need to assist the teams and managers within your business to keep the business running smoothly. A project dashboard has proven beneficial for measuring and tracking progress, making it easy to visualize data in real-time and personalize the page as necessary.

Managing Milestones

Maintain a list of milestones that are open or closed by projects in the same way you monitor individual milestone estimates and expenditures. Milestone dashboards are useful for project managers to see whether projects are adhering to the original plan and schedule.

Project Templates

Creating Templates

The professional templates provided by Easy Project do planning and executing your projects easier than ever before. Utilizing our templates will save you time and help you establish a strong framework for project planning using high-end practices and the expertise of our experts.

Templates for Strategic Projects

Managers can use Easy Strategic Projects templates to connect their daily activities with top management’s objectives. Strategy implementation becomes easier by having a quality structure based on best project management practices.

Developing Products Templates

Our solutions will fit your needs no matter what development model you use. Using the templates will ensure that you never miss an important step. You can reevaluate which module is right for your organization based on the different templates in your Easy Project account.

Project Templates for Human Resources

Using our HR project templates, you can organize your projects according to the best project management techniques. It will help simplify the creation, implementation, and oversight of policies and procedures relating to employee behavior, including recruitment, retention, etc.

Templates for Back Offices

With Easy Project, your administrative tasks can run smoothly, it will be much easier to create processes within your company, and you will be able to maintain the quality of your work.

Personal Dashboards

Roles Assigned to Users by Type

It might be possible to define default roles for each user type, thus making assigning roles to new users redundant. To keep things simple, organizations have four basic levels of positions that are common to all users. Giving a function to a new user will allow you to keep track of his progress before inviting him. Depending on the user type, an individual dashboard becomes available immediately.

Dashboard for Project Managers

With Easy Dashboard, you can remain efficiently informed even if you are the busiest project manager. A graphical representation of the project’s status appears next to a list of open issues awaiting resolution. In the activity feed, you will find updates, such as the schedule of meetings, management of resources, and more, under one roof.

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Member Dashboard for Project Teams

Team members receive a real-time personal dashboard that provides a quick overview of current project performance.

Dashboard for Team Leaders

Team leaders can utilize a predefined dashboard to inform the team about their progress quickly.

Dashboard for Portfolio Managers

A Portfolio Tree dashboard keeps all your projects organized and accessible from any location. Additionally, you can access a feed of worker activity and tabs to manage their tasks and budget allocations. Addressing urgent issues becomes more accessible by doing this. Visualize the performance of any listing with graphs.

Dashboard for the Scrum Master

The SCRUM master has complete control over every aspect of the live project. Several customizable modules and options allow you to display sprint progress, total sprint completion, day-week-month velocity, and other data.

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Dashboard for CEO

CEOs need to understand their company’s progress quickly and effortlessly. Creating charts for performance comparison and using tools such as Meetings Calendar is easy with Easy Project.