
Easiest way to manage your business. Track time, control performance of your teams, use research-backed methodologies, leverage one-click templates and try proven techniques from agile community. All tailored to your specific needs. Personal and yours.

Project Management

WBS – Work Breakdown Structure

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Wipe out uncertainty and procrastination through Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Chop down the project into smaller pieces and identify each and every output. WBS is an excellent method for both solo planning and collaborative projects.

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Gantt chart - Cleanest way to plan

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Tired of overdue tasks and clumsy Excel spreadsheets? Switching to Gantt chart will visualise your projects and make planning easier. Make the process faster, more synchronised, and easily communicable.

Baselines - Keep the time plan tidy

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Compare your project to the original plan and know where you are in seconds. Baselines offer visual representations of the project plan at various stages, enabling effortless comparisons between the plan and the current performance displayed on your Gantt chart.

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Critical path - Keep your team focused

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Some tasks cannot be postponed. The critical path refers to a series of tasks that are crucial and must be completed without delay otherwise the entire project would get delayed. Critical path also represents the shortest possible duration for completing the project. Using this method will help your team focus on completing the key tasks before moving on the smaller things.

Quick Project Planner - Power up your meetings

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Small projects are projects too. Quickly input essential task information such as name, duration, and due date during your brainstormings or as a first step of planning a bigger project. No need to switch windows, Quick Project Planner is always ready on your project page.

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Project Documents - Never lose focus again

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Say goodbye to multiple open tabs. Link documents to your tasks and then search, edit and version them online. Every document can be easily tracked to every project and task in a Document module overview.

Project roadmap - See where you stand

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Utilising the Project Roadmap feature, you can effortlessly access the view of the entire project plan. Keep track of everything, never lose vision and stay motivated through the whole project duration.

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Project templates - Streamline your workflows

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No need to invent the wheel. Effortlessly generate project templates either by leveraging existing projects or starting from scratch. Easy Project also provides a selection of project templates tailored to common company processes, enabling streamlined workflows. Save time and improve project structure.

Work Management

Task tracking - Keep projects up to date

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Customise tasks, visualise the progress of your projects, and seamlessly advance tasks through the workflow. Task tracking in Easy Project replaces status update meetings, as everything can be conveniently monitored and tracked within the platform.

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Workflow - Define, execute, automate

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The Workflow feature empowers you to establish, execute, and automate business processes, bringing order and coordination to task management among employees. Easy Project provides the flexibility to assign task permissions and workflows based on user types, enhancing efficiency and streamlining operations.

Checklists - Increase productivity and motivation

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Tedious and repetitive tasks? Use checklists – a simple yet powerful tool for enhancing work organisation, motivation, and productivity. Using a checklist eliminates the risk of overlooking important steps and enhances the efficiency of repetitive tasks, reducing errors in the process.

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Activity Feed - Stay informed everywhere

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Tired of endless email notifications? Switch to an activity feed – the most efficient way to stay informed about the latest task updates. Just click on your sidebar and view updated tasks and recent comments.

Organisational structure - Onboard and navigate effectively

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Organisational structure is a type of hierarchical tree of your organisation – it outlines how the roles are defined. Using this framework aids in delineating the direction of activities, such as task allocation, coordination, and supervision, and helps you fulfil the organisational objectives. Establish who is the key stakeholder and who can approve what, for example vacation requests.

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Business Dashboards - Oversee your company

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Business dashboards in Easy Project are made of three key elements: global filters located above the dashboards, interactive graphs and charts, and real-time trends. Global filters allow you to effortlessly apply filters to all or selected modules on a personalised page with just two clicks. You can also configure graphs and charts to display specific dimensions upon clicking the corresponding chart values. And the trends provide you an instant overview of real-time values.

Agile - Kanban & Scrum

Kanban – personal & team boards

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Kanban Boards are the easiest path to viewing all the work to be done on the project – you can see your personal tasks and also team tasks. Stay on one dashboard to see all crucial tasks and current status without the need to switch tabs and enjoy the smooth drag & drop interface. Kanban Boards will also boost other departments in your company, i. e. HR and finance.

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Agile Board for Scrum - Easiest way to sprint

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Easy Project is great for effortlessly handling user stories and sprints in agile methodology. Drag & drop feature will help you update sprints real-time during stand up meetings and create personal Scrum boards for both the Scrum Master and other team members. Never lose focus again.

Sprint Dashboard - Fulfil the vision on time

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Every sprint starts with a vision and a plan. Track the status and progress on one neat dashboard to ensure your team moves in the right direction. Need to switch between Scrum and Kanban views? Easy!

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Backlogs – Organise your agile projects

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Weekly backlogs? So easy with Easy Project. The drag & drop feature allows you to create a Product Backlog from the pool of tasks. Then, during your meeting, you just smoothly generate a weekly Sprint Backlog.

Time Tracking

Time Report Dashboard - See where your money goes

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Time is money and your business runs on it. You need to know how much of your team’s time has been billed, and how much time was dedicated to each and every one of the tasks. Identify inefficiency, save money and staff resources by allocating the time in your team the right way.

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Time tracking and reporting - Plan and manage efficiently

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There is no time management without time tracking. Empower your employees to effectively allocate and document their time, and enable managers to monitor time usage as a reference for future project planning.

Timesheets - Report time spent every week

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The easiest method of reporting time? Timesheets. Generate comprehensive reports on the time spent on projects or tasks in just a few clicks. Users can easily create weekly timesheets, while managers maintain control and approval authority over them.

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Stopwatch - Exact time tracking every time

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Track time precisely with the Stopwatch, also known as the Task Timer. To commence work, simply click the “Start working” button. The timer can be paused at any time, allowing you to resume from where you left off when you return to the task. Upon completion of the task, stop the timer to instantly view the total recorded time, similar to the time logging option. Managers and team leaders have access to an overview of running or paused stopwatches of their team members.

Portfolio Management

Portfolio Statement - Prepare for your presentation

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Reports and statements can be tiresome. With Easy Project you can generate them effortlessly with just a few clicks. Create portfolio budgets or spreadsheets for various aspects such as spent time, resources, and more. Utilise the integrated charts and graphs to transform these data into comprehensive reports, fully prepared for presentations.

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Global Gantt - Must-have feature

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Are you a portfolio manager? Global Gantt is your new favourite feature. Enjoy precise project planning and a comprehensive overview for effective management. With the Global Gantt, you can easily compare current progress with the planned timeline, as well as monitor cash flows associated with each project.

Portfolio Tree - Fastest overview

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Portfolio Tree provides a visual representation of your projects with colour indicators to highlight overdue projects/tasks, the number of hours spent and remaining, current statuses, and other vital project attributes.

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Project Controlling & Reporting

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Reporting tools – graphs & charts

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Data visualisation is easy to comprehend. Visualise all the relevant statistics in just a couple clicks using pie, bar, and line graphs to gain meaningful insights. Create charts effortlessly from any list of entries, and generate a comprehensive report showcasing your project’s performance and highlighting areas that require improvement.

Earned Value Management - Research-backed method

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Finding the best methodology for project management? Earned Value Management is backed by research. Define the project scope and evaluate the overall performance using it and never stress with measuring the value of your and your teams’ work.

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Burndown Chart - Commit sprints smoothly

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Dive deeper with thorough analysis of progress patterns to ensure timely completion of sprints using the Burndown Chart. Compare the ideal work remaining with the actual progress, identify working patterns, and ensure that sprint commitments are met smoothly and efficiently.

Project Templates

Production Templates - Deploy faster and with control

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Save time and build a concrete project planning foundation. Easy Project provides a collection of professional templates designed to elevate your project planning and execution to new heights. These templates are based on best management practices and the expertise of our industry professionals.

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Strategic Project Templates - Have a strong and actionable vision

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Establish a strong connection between top management aspirations and daily activities by leveraging the Easy Strategic Projects templates. These templates provide a solid framework for your projects, incorporating the best project management practices. By adopting this structured approach, you can streamline your strategic decision-making process and simplify the transformation of strategy into actionable projects.

Product Development Templates - Make the right step everytime

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No matter the development model you follow, we have a solution to cater to your needs. With our Development Templates, you can be sure that no crucial step in the product development process is overlooked. The availability of various templates within your Easy Project solution allows you to always tweak and adjust on-the-go according to real life.

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HR Project Templates - Attract the best talent

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Easy Projects offers proven HR project templates to streamline the creation, implementation, and oversight of policies related to employee behaviour and various processes including recruitment, retention, interviews, training, and motivation. These templates are tested and designed to provide a structured approach to your HR projects, incorporating the best project management practices.

Back office templates - Focus on the function

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Efficiently manage your administrative tasks, establish processes within your company, and maintain control over quality with Easy Project Back Office templates. Our templates ensure smooth operations, providing a framework for effective execution of administrative functions.

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Personal Dashboards

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Project Manager Dashboard - Oversee and execute without stress

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Busy managing a project? Automate more. Use a pre-set Easy Dashboard that we designed to help you save your precious time. You can instantly view open and pending issues, and see graphical representations of project statuses. The Activity feed feature keeps you updated with the latest developments, while features like the meetings calendar and resource management are easily accessible with just one click.

Project Team Member Dashboard - Work in team without confusion

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Working in a team? We made this feature to lower your stress and eliminate confusion. See how your work influences the whole project and stay motivated and hit your deadlines everytime. No distractions.

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Team Leader Dashboard - Know how to keep your team performing

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Are you a Team leader? Use a tool tailored for your role. We made this feature to offer you a quick and comprehensive understanding of the current performance related to project delivery. It provides an at-a-glance view to keep you and the team members well-informed and motivated.

Portfolio Manager Dashboard - Organise and view everything

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Portfolio Manager with Portfolio Tree helps you effortlessly maintain organisation and accessibility for all your projects. Stay updated on critical issues and urgent matters through the activity feed and critical issues list. Additionally, utilise advanced tabs to manage worker workloads, current sprints, budgets, and more. Visualise overall performance through Graphs & Charts, providing valuable insights.

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SCRUM Master Dashboard - God mode for your Agile

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Thanks to Easy Project the SCRUM master has complete control over all live operations. They have easy access to the current sprint status, overall progress of sprint completion, velocity analysis by day, week, or month, closed story points within a specific timeframe, visually appealing charts, and other customizable modules and options.

CEO Dashboard - Boost your company

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CEOs need to have a quick and comprehensive overview of the whole company without reading endless lines of text and data. Easy Project enables you to effortlessly convert data into charts, making it easier to compare planned performance with actual results using Gauge diagrams. Need even more context? Instantly access additional modules such as the Meetings Calendar, HR dashboard and more.

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